Help the Homeless


Project Allocation: $ 662,000 Amount Expended: 100%
Votes: 1,975 Voting finish among 8 projects approved: #1
Project Description:
Help the Homeless will provide life skills, vocational training, transitional help, medical and mental health referrals and recovery of the homeless.

Implementing Entities:
City of Vallejo Housing & Community Development
Resource Connect Solano
CAP Solano JPA
Solano County


In December 2017, the City purchased two adjacent properties at 2118 and 2134-2136 Sacramento Street to develop as Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), utilizing approximately $632,000 in funding. PSH is an evidence-based intervention model of residential housing with intensive, on-site supportive services. Tenants are provided with a key and a lease, and PSH service partners provide on-site, 24-hour direct access to supportive services, including case management, mental health services, healthcare, employment assistance, substance abuse counseling, and other critical resources.

A Request for Qualifications seeking an affordable housing developer and service provider was released on February 21, 2018.

The City will be hosting two informational workshops for the community to learn more about the City's $5 million investment to end homelessness in Vallejo:

Thursday, March 1 at 7:00 p.m.
Housing & Community Development Commission Regular Meeting
City Council Chambers

Tuesday, March 6 at 6:30 p.m.
Joseph Room, JFK Library

The City also contracted for $30,000 in Summer 2017 (through the CAP Solano JPA) with Caminar, a non-profit service provider, who has been offering navigation services through Solano County's Coordinated Entry Program "Resource Connect Solano." Vallejoans experiencing homelessness or a housing crisis can contact a single point - Caminar - to access the wide range of services and resources available.

To contact Resource Connect Solano for assistance, call 707-652-7311 or e-mail RCS [at] caminar [dot] org


The Cycle 2 Ballot language was broad and did not have a specific project proposed. City Council allocated $588,000 in funding and instructed City staff to conduct a Stakeholder Workshop and identify project specifics. The Stakeholder Workshop was held on January 28, 2015, and began the process of exploring proven national models and evidence-based programs that could be implemented with allocated funding.

On October 27, 2014, City Council approved of 39 Stated Outcomes to be included in a Request for Proposals (RFP). The RFP was issued on December 23, 2015, and a mandatory bidder's conference was held on January 25, 2016. At the February 17, 2016 deadline, two proposals were received.

An evaluation panel reviewed proposals and recommended the proposal from BOSS for a new facility with extensive supportive services. BOSS proposed to acquire a property in Vallejo with a separate funding source, invest its own resources into the project, and would use the $588,000 in PB funding to provide supportive services, case assessment, tenant improvements, and operational expenses for the first year while it secured long-term external funding through its in-house grant writers. Supportive services included placement in permanent housing through landlord relationships, after-care for clients once they have transitioned into long-term/permanent housing, and other proven methods that BOSS employs in Alameda County, allowing the organization to significantly expand their scope and impact within the Vallejo community.

In December 2016, BOSS withdrew its consideration of the Vallejo project, citing inadequate funding that would be required to launch a new facility, as well as concerns with community support.

On March 28, 2017, City Council authorized staff to negotiate with Solano County and the CAP Solano JPA to collaborate on a Coordinated Entry/Housing First program in Vallejo, specifically focused on providing housing and supportive services for Vallejo residents.

Help the Homeless1 Help the Homeless2
Help the Homeless3

BOSS Proposal
Request for Proposals (RFP)
Resolution No. 14-126 N.C.
Original Project Proposal

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