Summer Youth Employment and Internship Program


Project Allocation: $ 186,000 Amount Expended: 83%
REALLOCATED - ($22,000)
Votes: 1,378 Voting finish among 8 projects approved: #4
Project Description:
Provides Vallejo youth an opportunity to improve their futures by enhancing skills, increasing confidence, and gaining professional work experience with placement and paid employment during Summer 2015 at non-profit organizations or public agencies.

Implementing Entities:
Vallejo City Unified School District (VCUSD)


Youth were recruited by VCUSD and placed for up to 8 weeks in Summer 2015 at various non-profit organizations and public agencies in Vallejo. Funding from the project covered employment expenses and a $10/hour wage for youth.

SUMMER 2015:
VCUSD placed 67 youth at local non-profits and public agencies during the Summer of 2015, with the interns working a total of more than 7,700 hours. Interns were paid $10 per hour from the PB project.

SUMMER 2016:
VCUSD placed 49 youth at local non-profits and public agencies during the Summer of 2016, with the interns working a total of more than 4,700 hours. Interns were paid $10 per hour from the PB project.

The project leveraged an additional $46,000 of in-kind contributions from VCUSD over 2015 and 2016.

On March 8, 2016, City Council reallocated $22,000 in unused funding to help fund a Cycle 4 of PB.

Summer Internships

VCUSD Contract 2016
VCUSD 1st Amendment
VCUSD Contract 2015
Resolution No. 14-129 N.C.
Original Project Proposal

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