Sidewalk Repair and Street Tree Preservation


Project Allocation: $ 262,000 Amount Expended: 99%
Votes: 977 Voting finish among 8 projects approved: #5
Project Description:
Funds will assist homeowners in owner-occupied residences in repairing sidewalks adjacent to street trees where roots have caused damage. All efforts would be made to preserve trees whenever possible without risking damage or safety. Priority will be given to low- to moderate-income households.

Implementing Entities:
City of Vallejo


Based on the Eligibility Rules and Guidelines, the application period was opened on July 15, 2015 for owner-occupied homes. Only homes where a street tree was causing damage to a sidewalk were eligible for the program. Properties where the tree has already been removed are not eligible. Funding was designated to cover only up to 9 linear feet of sidewalk; anything over 9 feet would be the responsibility of the homeowner.

Priority was based on four tiers:
1) Low- to moderate-income households where the tree can be preserved
2) Low- to moderate-income households where the tree must be replaced
3) Higher-income households where the tree can be preserved
4) Higher-income households where the tree must be replaced

A total of 47 properties applied for the program and were deemed eligible based on an inspection by a certified arborist (subject to available funds). 14 of the 47 properties have trees that are either hazardous or unhealthy and must be removed/replaced.

On March 8, 2016, City Council allocated an additional $100,000 to cover permitting costs and to provide a contingency.

30 properties were fully completed and funding was exhausted. Of the 30 properties, 10 had trees that were dangerous and needed to be removed (and were then replaced with new trees after the sidewalk work was completed). Properties #30-47 on the priority list will not be able to be funded for repairs; however, these homeowners were eligible to have their permit fees covered by the City, should property owners choose to conduct the work independently with their own money.

Sidewalk before Sidewalk after
 Sidewalk before  Sidewalk after

Eligibility Rules & Guidelines
Resolution No. 14-141 N.C.
Original Project Proposal

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